Now, hopefully, the US will make some progress in developing its ten designated high-speed rail corridors:

Of these ten corridors, only the northeast corridor (aka, the 'Acela') is already up and running. (In California, voters last year approved a $10 billion dollar bond to develop their high-speed rail service, so that combined with some federal funds ought to make the California corridor particularly ripe for progress.)
By contrast, here's Europe's HSR system:

The colored sections indicate service of 200-350 km/hr. (By dreary contrast, the average speed of the Acela is 140 km/hr.) And Japan, of course, has long been a pioneer in high-speed rail.
Meanwhile, look what China is doing:

In 2007, they opened 6,000 km of high-speed rail all at once, instantly making it the most extensive system in the world - larger, even, than all of Europe's networks combined. Seen in this light, the US system is decades behind international standards. But hopefully the US just took a big step towards catching up.
Good news indeed! From what I've read, at least some of that $8 billion is going toward an L.A.--Las Vegas high speed rail line. No doubt Harry Reid (D-NV) exerted his influence...
I heard that, too. But then again, look at this.
hmm, interesting...
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